Writer Jonathan Baylis
Before Jonathan Baylis wrote auto-bio comics, he interned at Marvel Comics, Valiant/Acclaim Comics, and was an Associate Editor at Topps Comics. His comics have been published locally in New York City, in literary anthologies like The Florida Review, Backwards City Review, and Wild River Review, and in comics anthologies such as I Saw You… Missed Connections, Side B: The Music Lovers Anthology, Fluke, Hive, Aftershock and Digestate. He has collected most of his stories into the self-published, So Buttons series, of which there are five issues and a holiday special in print. More stories can be found at www.sobuttons.com and sobuttons.tumblr.com.
Mr. Alan
Born just after the Cuban Missile Crisis, Mr. Alan was raised by loving, attentive parents on the East Coast. He does not plan to quit his day job. (See So Buttons #1 for work by Mr. Alan.)
David Beyer, Jr.
David Beyer, Jr. is a Milwaukee based cartoonist and illustrator. His comic strip “The Twisted Adventures of Stinko” has run monthly in the Riverwest Currents since 2006.
David’s work has appeared in places such as the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Image Comics, Arcana Comics, and the City Pages. He self-publishes mini-comics under the name Beyer Beware Productions.
He has recently finished a number of illustrations for the forthcoming book Heroes in the Night, a full length nonfiction book written by Tea Krulos covering the real-life superhero movement being released in the fall of 2013.

He has worked as a muralist for Nationwide Bowling and for private residents. He’s also participated in both of the Motionary Comics events, a live artistic collaboration between writers, scenic painters and illustrators where they worked for approximately six hours to create comics murals roughly 90′ by 12′.
David holds a BFA in illustration and a studio minor in painting from the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design. He also attended the Joe Kubert School of Cartooning and Graphic Arts for two years as well as the School of Visual Arts where he studied cartooning and illustration.
Visit David’s website at beyerbewareproductions.blogspot.com. (See So Buttons #1, #2, #3, and #4 for work by David Beyer, Jr.)
Thomas Boatwright

Thomas Boatwright is a freelance illustrator and cartoonist and sometimes sculptor. In his spare time he plays and builds banjos and guitars out of whatever he can hack together.
His works have been published by Image Comics, SLG Publishing, Cryptozoic Entertainment, Arcana, Oni Press, Chaosium, and Sequential Pulp.
He lives with his wife and two cats in the middle of North Carolina.
His tombstone will read “He Didn’t Like Most Things”.
Check out his website at boatwrightartwork.blogspot.com. (See So Buttons #3, #4, and #5 for work by Thomas Boatwright.)
Lisa Rosalie Eisenberg
Lisa Rosalie Eisenberg is a cartoonist and educator who lives and works in Portland, Oregon.
She self-publishes the comic series I Cut My Hair and has appeared in the anthologies Papercutter, Bird Hurdler, and Bearfight!. She is also a member of the studio Tranquility Base. You can listen to Lisa talking about her comics here as part of Multnomah County Library’s “Zinesters Talking” series.
Some of Lisa’s other internet residences are: Twitter, Facebook, and Flickr. Also she is in this band called The Tagalongs.
Lisa is available for any number of art-related things, including but not limited to: comics, illustration, commissions, and facilitating comics workshops and classes. Contact her at [email protected]. You can see her work online at www.lisarosalieeisenberg.com.

Becky Hawkins
Becky Hawkins began self-publishing French Toast Comix in 2007. These autobio comics, travel stories and watercolors chronicle her life in Brooklyn, Pittsburgh, Portland, and world-traveling as a cruise ship musician. Wherever she is, her favorite thing to do is to draw people and old buildings over a cup of coffee. She currently resides in Portland with Shoulder Angel, who co-stars in a lot of her comics.
Fred Hembeck

Fred Hembeck is best known for his parodies of characters from major American comic book publishers. His work has frequently been published by the firms whose characters he spoofs. His characters are always drawn with curlicues at the elbows and knees. He often portrays himself as a character in his own work, in the role of “interviewer” of various comic book characters. Interviewer Daniel Best has said of his work, “If you take your comic books seriously, and think that those characters are real then you’re probably not a fan of Hembeck.”
Go to www.hembeck.com for Hembeck online. (See So Buttons #4 for work by Fred Hembeck.)
Victor Kerlow
Victor Kerlow was born, raised and educated in Manhattan and continues to live there, drawing full-time for The New Yorker, The New York Times, MTV, IFC Films, Random House, The Believer, Bloomberg, J Walter Thompson, Creative Time, The National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico, and many more. His comics have been included in Fantagraphics’ Mome, Vice, The Best American Comics 2012 and he has a new book of comics, Everything Takes Forever, coming out in Spring 2013 from Koyama Press. He also draws the weekly illustrations for The Metro Diary column in The New York Times.
Visit Victor’s websites at victorkerlow.com and choppedintwo.blogspot.com.
Eric Kim
Eric Kim is a comic artist and illustrator based out of Toronto, Canada. A graduate from Sheridan College, his credits include Love as a Foreign Language and Degrassi: Extra Credit Vol. 3.
His website is www.inkskratch.com, and he can be contacted at [email protected]. (See So Buttons #4 for work by Eric Kim.)
T.J. Kirsch
T.J. is a cartoonist living in the capital region of New York State. His work has been published by Oni Press, Archie, Image Comics, and Top Shelf 2.0. He is also the co-creator behind She Died In Terrebonne: A Sam Kimimura Mystery with writer Kevin Church.
His work has also appeared in the anthologies Fat Chunk, published by Slave Labor Graphics, and I Saw You… Missed Connections, with Jonathan Baylis, published by Random House/Three Rivers. T.J. is also a member of the Albany Times-Union Comics Panel.
To see more of his work, go to www.tjkirsch.com, or email him at [email protected]. (See So Buttons #1, #2, #3, and #4 for work by T.J. Kirsch.)
Tim E. Ogline
Tim E. Ogline is the author/illustrator of the forthcoming Ben Franklin For Beginners from For Beginners.
Tim’s illustration work has been published by a number of different periodicals including The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Wall Street Journal, the Utne Reader, Outdoor Life, This Old House Magazine, Institutional Investor, Philadelphia Style, Loyola Lawyer, How Magazine, and The Florida Review among others. See his illustration work at www.timogline.com.
Ogline is also Adjunct Faculty in the Illustration and Graphic Design departments at Moore College of Art & Design and he also teaches at his alma mater, Temple University’s Tyler School of Art.
Joseph Remnant
Joseph Remnant is a Los Angeles-based artist/cartoonist whose comics and illustrations have appeared in Arthur Magazine, Juxtapoz and The New York Times. He’s the creator of the comic book series Blindspot and was a frequent collaborator with the late, great comics writer, Harvey Pekar. Remnant began illustrating short stories with Pekar for Smith Magazine’s Pekar Project which led to him being asked to illustrate the full length graphic novel, Harvey Pekar’s Cleveland. It was released April 2012 by Zip Comics and Top Shelf Productions. He’s currently working on the graphic novel Cartoon Clouds. Early chapters can be found on The Expositor, a shared destination with fellow cartoonist Noah Van Sciver.
Paul Salvi
Paul Salvi is an attractive, successful artist. He lives in a nice part of Baltimore, contemplates suicide very infrequently and draws the webcomic The Line.
If you wanna see some stuff he drew check out www.thelinecomic.com and paulsalvi.blogspot.com. (See So Buttons #4 for work by Paul Salvi.)
Sam Spina
Sam Spina is a Xeric-winning cartoonist who is also a server at an Italian restaurant. He puts auto-bio comics on his website all the time and is probably drawing right now.
See Sam’s website at spinadoodles.blogspot.com.
Noah Van Sciver
Noah Van Sciver was born in 1984 in New Jersey. He first came to readers’ attention with his comic book series Blammo, which earned him an Ignatz award nomination in 2010. His work has appeared in the Alternative weekly newspaper Westword, Mad magazine and multiple graphic anthologies. His first book The Hypo: The Melancholic Young Lincoln from Fantagraphics books is a graphic portrait of Abraham Lincoln’s early years in Springfield, Illinois.
Visit Noah’s websites at nvansciver.wordpress.com and noahvansciver.tumblr.com. (See So Buttons #4 and #5 for work by Noah Van Sciver.)
Paul Westover
Paul Westover is a full-time freelance illustrator and comic artist. His credits include College Humor, FML, and Woody After Hours which is published three times a week at www.woodyafterhours.com. He will draw you nifty things in exchange for money and/or barter.
To see more of his work, please visit www.paulwestover.com. (See So Buttons #4 and #5 for work by Paul Westover.)